Lat:39° 44' 24" Long: -105° 2' 59.99"
This map shows the current Rules and Regulations that govern where Social Consumption Areas are eligible in the City and County of Denver. This is a screenshot of the ArcGisOnline Storymap application developed for the Social Consumption Task Force.
Social Consumption Areas
Marijuana continues to play a major role in shaping the landscape of the City and County of Denver. In November of 2016, Denver's citizens voted for Initiative-300. This initiative created the legal framework to allow “Social Consumption Areas,” or “Pot Clubs,” within the City of Denver. Currently, The Social Consumption Task Force - a group mandated by the initiative and comprised of Council members, community leaders, and industry representatives - is further exploring the rules and regulations that will govern the implementation of I-300. My role is to perform GIS analysis and map various policy scenarios for the policy review panel to consider.
This work makes use of ESRI's Story Map and ArcGisOnline Web Map Apps to an interactive and dynamic mapping application for stakeholders (currently internal to the city). You can find screen shots of the application on this page.
Data analysis and Map results were featured in the Denver's Westword. See the article here
The Social Consumption Task Force had me compare existing Rules and Regulations that had 1,000 ft distance requirements to a possible scenario where the distance requirements were reduced to 500 ft. The above Web App provides a slider bar that compares the two different scenarios.
The above Web App allows a side-by-side comparison of the two distance scenarios. When a user navigates one map, the other map will snap to the same map extent. The user always has a side-by-side comparison of the same area.