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Network Analysis
DFD Plug Book
Custom Rig Maps

(Click on map to pan image)

Rig Map Zoom

(Click on map to pan image)


I provide a range of GIS analysis and mapping support for the Denver Fire Department.


I perform network analysis to assist in the planning efforts of the department. I help determine the effectiveness of proposed stations, evaluate the current response-time compliance of existing stations, and assist with chief response area redistricting as the department expands.


Second, I help to update and create the department's Plug Book on an annual basis. This is a 250 page map atlas of streets and hydrants for the whole city. 


Finally, I create custom maps that are used on fire truck rigs to assist each crew with navigation and response.


NOTE: Fire Hydrant Plug Data Not Available for Public Display - Removed from Map Images. Network Analysis graphic also uses mock data due to sensitive information. Thank you for your understanding. 



Disclaimer and acknowledgments: showcases my professional works. I fully attribute my employers past and present as holding full rights to these works: City and County of Denver, Colorado Department of Transportation, and The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission. Where necessary, data has been obfuscated or removed from maps to protect sensitive information. Unless otherwise noted, the maps and graphics contain public data or information. 

© 2023 by Grant Garstka

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