Lat:39° 44' 24" Long: -105° 2' 59.99"
Network Analysis
DFD Plug Book
Custom Rig Maps
(Click on map to pan image)
Rig Map Zoom
(Click on map to pan image)
I provide a range of GIS analysis and mapping support for the Denver Fire Department.
I perform network analysis to assist in the planning efforts of the department. I help determine the effectiveness of proposed stations, evaluate the current response-time compliance of existing stations, and assist with chief response area redistricting as the department expands.
Second, I help to update and create the department's Plug Book on an annual basis. This is a 250 page map atlas of streets and hydrants for the whole city.
Finally, I create custom maps that are used on fire truck rigs to assist each crew with navigation and response.
NOTE: Fire Hydrant Plug Data Not Available for Public Display - Removed from Map Images. Network Analysis graphic also uses mock data due to sensitive information. Thank you for your understanding.