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CDOT County Map Snapshot

CDOT County Map Snapshot

Automated Inset Map (CDOT City Maps)

Automated Inset Map (CDOT City Maps)

CDOT City Map Zoom

CDOT City Map Zoom

Assessment Parcel Map Zoom

Assessment Parcel Map Zoom

Assessment Parcel Map Full

Assessment Parcel Map Full

CDOT City Map Snapshot

CDOT City Map Snapshot


Using Python as a way to script map production, I have created new map series to be fully automated or made existing map series more efficient by editing their design to meet automation requirements. All of my efforts results in automating the export process. 

These efforts continue to save entities I have worked for money year after year and free up my time to work on bigger, newer, and more important projects. 


- CDOT County Maps (64 maps)

- CDOT City Maps (268 maps)

- City and County of Denver Assessment Parcel Maps (601 maps)

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