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The Blueprint Denver Plan was adopted on April 22nd, 2019. Blueprint Denver provides the foundation for the citywide policies and recommendations related to land use, transportation, design and growth.


I created the Blueprint Web Map to provide a public interface for citizens to interactively explore Blueprint map data. Prior to launching this application, users could only view the static map images provided in the plan. Now, users can view the data in detail for their area of interest and toggle between different layers and base maps. One highlight of the web map is the Blueprint Address Search feature which validates against Denver parcel addresses, zooms the user to the address, and reports out the three main Blueprint values for that specific parcel.


The three main Blueprint values are Future Places, Future Neighborhood Context, and Growth Areas. Future Places describe the various scales and types of development that are envisioned in Denver. Future Neighborhood Contexts are a way to understand the differences in built form between different neighborhoods. Growth Areas define the strategy for strengthening existing neighborhoods through carefully planned infill development that enhances the city’s unique character.


Further, linear street data is also displayed on the map. These include Modal Priority and Future Street Typology that will be used to serve as a framework to develop context-sensitive street design guidelines and to update regulations and standards for how streets are designed. 


Disclaimer and acknowledgments: showcases my professional works. I fully attribute my employers past and present as holding full rights to these works: City and County of Denver, Colorado Department of Transportation, and The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission. Where necessary, data has been obfuscated or removed from maps to protect sensitive information. Unless otherwise noted, the maps and graphics contain public data or information. 

© 2023 by Grant Garstka

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